Unlock your real estate potential with CSI PROP's FREE Education Portal!

Unlock Your Path to Financial Freedom

Are you eager to explore the world of property investment and unlock your financial potential? Take the first step towards building a successful property portfolio with CSI Prop. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the world of real estate, our comprehensive investment course will provide you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the property market.

Property Investing in the 2023 Economic Climate

Join our webinar and advance to our masterclass for free. Learn the Proven Property Game Plan, the only criteria and strategy you need to preserve wealth, achieve consistent growth, and maintain peace of mind even during tough times.

With CSI PROP's FREE Education Portal, you'll...

✅ You will be a smarter overseas real estate investor.

✅ You will get the latest hacks and strategies for the UK and other countries.

✅ It will always be FREE and our events online or offline are FREE.

Meet Virata

Property Investment Expert and Founder of CSI PROP

Hi, My name is Virata and I have been a property investor for the past 18 years. I own CSI PROP, a property research and investment consultancy based in Malaysia and Singapore.

To date, my portfolio is worth over $10 million across 4 regions, including North America, Europe, Australia & Asia.

18 years ago, I could not have imagined that this would be my wealth profile today

Because I almost lost everything during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

During that time, most of my investment was in North America, where the real estate market was badly hit.

Long story short, I continued to hold on to those properties because I knew that selling would result in huge losses. Today, the properties I own have increased significantly in value after the economy recovered.

However, during that time, I experienced emotional and mental stress due to the situation and I hope that nobody will have to ever go through what I did.

Hence, I am conducting this webinar to teach you how to identify markets that stay resilient despite crises like COVID-19.

My hope is this information will enable you to grow and preserve your wealth, so you can have enough funds for yourself and your family during bad times, and have the ability to retire early and do the things you love.


Ready to unlock your potential in property investment?

get ready to build your wealth & transform your property portfolio


1 on 1 Implementation Call

Property Investment Masterclass (3 hours x 2 days)

7 Step Goldmine Strategy Blueprint

7 Safety Criteria Checklist

Access Investor Community to Optimize Portfolio

Access Exclusive Private Deals with Criteria Vetted


Day 1: Friday, 10 December 2021
(7.30PM to 11.00PM)

Day 2: Saturday, 11 December 2021
(2.00PM to 5.30PM)

GET These 3 Rock Solid Guarantees

1. Lowest Property Price

You can’t find anything lower outside our network. If you find a similar property at a lower price, we pay the difference.

2. Money Back Guarantee

If you got ZERO value after attending the full 2 days of the masterclass, you get your money back.*

3. Ongoing Support

All the support you need to build your property portfolio.

us$297 ONLY


Terms and Conditions:

1. Attendees must send written request for refund (via email) within 24 hours of the end of the masterclass to be eligible for the money back guarantee.



391B Orchard Road,
Ngee Ann City Tower B Level 22,
Singapore 23887

Hong Kong

23/F, One Taikoo Place
979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong


Level 3, North Block, Wisma GER,
142D, Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, MY

Project Manager


Marketing Agent (SINGAPORE)


E.A. License No. L3010808F

Marketing Agent (Hong Kong)


Marketing Agent (Malaysia)



Overseas investments carry financial, regulatory and legal risks. Investors are advised to do their research as well as seek independent and qualified financial, tax and legal advice. Our associated companies, for ourselves and for our vendors or lessors or agents, give notice that the particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of an offer or a contract. All statements or descriptions or particulars are made without responsibility on the part of our associated companies or vendors or lessors or agents. All statements or descriptions or particulars are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact and must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them.

Our associated companies shall not be held responsible for any negligence, consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this information. No person in the employment of our associated companies has any authority to make or give any representation or guarantee or warranty.
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