
Invest in A Global Landmark

London is the ultimate financial and business district of the world with over 8 million residents, one of the largest concentrations of universities globally and hundreds of global businesses headquartered here. London is the pinnacle of civilisation, the European heart of commerce, and one of the world’s greatest cities — both to live and invest in.

Why Invest Now


The pound sterling is at its lowest level in years, from a high of RM7:£1 to an affordable RM5.42:£1! The pound is predicted to continue rising.


London’s property prices are currently at its most accessible. Over 50% of London’s prime properties have been snapped up by foreign investors.


London’s chronic housing shortage underpins housing demand and rising values in the UK. 66,000 homes must be built to address the undersupply.


The UK has just been named the world’s top investment destination, ahead of US, France, China and Brazil (E&Y).


Invest now. Opportunity does not knock twice.

The Crossrail Effect

London’s Crossrail is poised to transport 200 million people a year, over a distance of about 100km, stretching from the east to the west of the capital. Once completed this year, the Crossrail, also known as the Elizabeth Line, will change London forever.

Increase London’s rail capacity
by 10%

travel time

Catalyst for price
growth of houses along its route and close to the stations

£42bn estimated boost
to the economy

Invest in the Best

The Berkeley Group builds beautiful, successful places; blending homes, parks and public realms with great facilities to create fantastic communities where people love to live. The Berkeley legacy is built upon 40 years of excellence and multiple awards, including the Sunday Times British Homes Awards, Queen’s Award for Enterprise and Customer Satisfaction Award.


E.A. License No. L3010808F | Co. Reg. No. 201731379K

+65 3163 8343


Ness Properties
E (3) 1905

+603 2162 2260

project manager


This is an overseas investment. As overseas investments carry additional, financial, regulatory and legal risks, investors are advised to do the necessary checks as well as research on the investment beforehand. Investors are also advised to seek independent and qualified legal, financial and tax advisors. The Marketing Agents and Project Manager for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that the particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of an offer or a contract. All statements, contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on the part of the Marketing Agents and Project Manager or vendors or lessors. All descriptions, dimensions, and other particulars are given in good faith and are believe to be correct but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact and must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. The Marketing Agents and Project Manager shall not be held responsible for any negligence, consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this information. No person in the employment of the Marketing Agents and Project Manager has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property

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