Invest in a world-class city.
Invest in the best.
There is no better time than NOW.


With over 8 million residents originating from more than 20 countries, hundreds of global business headquarters and some of the best universities in the world, London is a city of the world. It is also the fastest-growing city in the UK, with the number of migrants increasing every year. 

London. The pinnacle of civilisation, the European heart of commerce and one of the greatest cities to live and invest in. 


Now, more than ever, is the best time to invest in London. With the Brexit transition ongoing, the British currency is still weak and prices are at their most affordable. But not for long. It’s time to get off the fence and make a decision. 

Foreign buyers stand a chance to SAVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS before the 2% Foreigner Stamp Duty Surcharge is enforced* 

Currency Game

The pound is low, but it is rising. Now at £1:MYR5.47, the pound is predicted to rise further as greater certainty returns following Brexit.

UK’s Fastest-Growing Population

London is home to 4 of the fastest-growing local authorities in the UK, and the numbers are increasing. Read in detail here.

Housing Shortage

There is currently a housing deficit in London. Only 1 in 50 houses (1.9%) are available for rent. Demand continues to drive price increase.

Job Growth

The UK’s most productive city, having secured the #1 City in the UK for Emerging Jobs and one of UK’s top cities with the Fastest Employment Growth Rate.

*upon conversion of £1:RM5.47 and dependent on property price


London’s Crossrail is poised to transport 200 million people a year, over a distance of about 100km, stretching from the east to the west of the capital. Once completed this year, the Crossrail, also known as the Elizabeth Line, will change London forever, adding higher value to property prices along its line and boosting the economy by an estimated £42bn.


Barratt London proudly builds sustainable communities that integrate seamlessly with the local neighbourhood. A multiple award-winning developer, Barratt is built on more than 60 years of legacy. Barratt London has an exceptional portfolio across the Capital known for their excellent transport links and investment credentials. 

Price from £290,000
Up to 70% Loan — Pay 10% Now & Remainder at Completion   
Developments Across London 
Strategically Located by Public Transport Links 
London Property Prices Hit 4-year High (RICS)
House Prices Predicted to Soar in Next 5 Years (JLL)  (RICS)
UK’s Biggest & Award-Winning Developer (JLL) (RICS)


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+65 3163 8343


Ness Properties
E (3) 1905

+603 2162 2260

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